$2.00 Zoo - Telearch Series 2 - 1

Issued: January 1995

Code Number: C944111

Quantity: Unknown


Prefix Number: 037


Card 1 of 2

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$2.00 Zoo - Telearch Series 2 - 2

Issued: January 1995

Code Number: C944121

Quantity: Unknown


Prefix Number: 038


Card 2 of 2

Click here to see varieties for this card.

Telearch purchased 10,000 pairs of the zoo Anritsu phonecards from Telecom Australia (Telstra) to sell to collectors. Telearch subsequently became Card Phone Australia and then started to produce their own Anritsu phonecards. Card Phone phonecards could not be used in Telstra payphones and Telstra phonecards could not be used in Card Phone payphones. Telearch / Card Phone were unable to sell many of these zoo cards to collectors, so where possible they used them for business purposes in Telstra Payphones which resulted in the accumulation of a significant number of these cards which had been fully used up. Card Phone subsequently recycled these used phonecards by magnetically re-coding them for use in Card Phone payphones, and as part of this process they added the Card Phone Australia Control Number on the lower left side of the rear of the card – the Telstra Control Number was also left on the lower right side of the rear of the card. NOTE: These cards were ONLY for internal Card Phone use (e.g. Technician Test Cards) and were NOT sold. You can see in the images shown that the cards were originally used and they have been turned up the other way with the holes representing use, now appearing at the bottom, i.e. Telstra payphones punched holes at the top of the card whilst Cardphone payphones punched them at the bottom.



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