US$50.00 Temple

Issued: August 1991

Code Number:                    Issued:

ICM1-1                                   15,000

Prefix Numbers:





This card was originally intended for use in Laos, but this never happened. The card was produced in December 1989, at the same time as the first cards for Australia were being issued. When Telecom got the contract to supply cards to Cambodia, these original Laos cards were used. By the time they were released in August 1991, the prefix numbers  in Australia were already into the 90's, but it is still a "zero" prefix, just out of chronological order.

US$100 Native House

Issued: August 1991

Code Number:                    Issued:

ICM1-2                                   10,000

Prefix Numbers:





This card was originally intended for use in Laos, but this never happened. The card was produced in December 1989, at the same time as the first cards for Australia were being issued. When Telecom got the contract to supply cards to Cambodia, these original Laos cards were used. By the time they were released in August 1991, the prefix numbers  in Australia were already into the 90's, but it is still a "one" prefix, just out of chronological order.



The US$20 Palace 185 was available in the Cambodia Pack.

The US$20 Palace 258 was available in the Dealers Sample Cambodia 2 MPTC Pack.
The US$20 Palace 519 was available in the Standard Cambodia 2 MPTC Pack.

US$20 Palace

Issued: March 1993

Code Number:                    Issued:

ICM3-1                                   20,000
ICM3-1-2                               32,500

Prefix Numbers:



258, 519

US$20 Palace (No Telecom)

Issued: 1995

Code Number:                    Issued:

I951814a                             110,000

Prefix Numbers:



820, 978, 998, 1127, 1426, 1445, 1565

Prefix 252, 253 & 305

Prefix 185, 258 & 259

There is a difference on the front of the $50 card. Three of the prefixes have a larger font for indicating the amount of value left on the card, and the other three have a smaller font.

Other differences include the $ sign and the font and location of Telecom Phonecard Cambodia. The reverse of the cards also use different fonts, in particular, the $50 and the words Telecom Phonecard.


The US$50 Temple 185 was available in the Cambodia Pack.

US$50 Temple

Issued: March 1993

Code Number:                    Issued:

ICM3-2                                   30,000
ICM3-2-2                               80,000
ICM3-2-3                             100,000
ICM3-2-4                               10,000

Prefix Numbers:



258, 259
252, 253


The US$100 Idol 191 was available in the Cambodia Pack.

US$100 Idol

Issued: March 1993

Code Number:                    Issued:

ICM3-3                                   10,000

Prefix Numbers:





The Type 2 card was available in the Cambodia 2 MPTC Pack.

US$2 Earth

Issued: 1994

Code Number:                    Issued:

930519                                 28,000

1st Issue - Type 1 Small "Cambodia" Font

3rd Issue - Type 2 Larger Backward Sloping "Cambodia" Font

Prefix Numbers:




2nd Issue - Type 2 Larger Backward Sloping "Cambodia" Font

4th Issue - Type 3 Large $, No Barcode


The Type 2 card was available in the Cambodia 2 MPTC Pack.

US$5 Satellite

Issued: 1994

Code Number:                    Issued:

I930529                                 18,000
I930529                                 12,000

Type 1 Small "Cambodia" Font

Type 3 Larger Upright "Cambodia" Font

Prefix Numbers:




Type 2 Larger Backward Sloping "Cambodia" Font

The Prefix 413 card was available in the Cambodia 2 MPTC Pack.

US$2 Temple Goddess

Issued: 1994

Code Number:                    Issued:

I940111                                  50,000

Prefix Numbers:



413, 761

US$2 Temple Goddess (New)

Issued: 1995

Code Number:                    Issued:

I952311                                300,000  +


Prefix Numbers:



879, 975, 1001, 1128, 1281, 1304, 1444, 1477,
1519, 1522, 1561, 1563, 1564, 1568, 1570, 1574,
1576, 1577, 1580, 1581


This card was also issued with a blank serial number that is believed to be prefix 1150. If anyone has an actual card with an 1150 prefix printed on it, I would very much like to talk to you.


The Prefix 573 card was available in the Cambodia 2 MPTC Pack.

US$5 Ankar Wat Temple

Issued: 1994

Code Number:                    Issued:

I940122                                  34,000 ??


Prefix Numbers:



573, 736, 1150

US$5 Ankar Wat Temple (New)

Issued: 1995

Code Number:                    Issued:

I952322                                240,000  +

Prefix Numbers:



880, 976, 1000, 1193, 1424, 1447, 1520, 1560,
1562, 1567, 1569, 1571, 1575, 1578

US$10 Satellite Dish

Issued: 1994

Code Number:                    Issued:

I952333a                              150,000  +

Prefix Numbers:



881, 977, 999, 1133, 1280, 1425, 1446, 1478,
1556, 1559, 1566, 1572

US$2 Indochine Insurance

Issued: 1997

Code Number:                    Issued:

A973311                                   2,500

Prefix Numbers:





As an International Card, the Code Number of this card should have started with an "I".