$5.00 Merchant Of
Venice Issued: Cancelled Code Number: Produced (Not Issued): C946112 10,000 |
Prefix Numbers: 653 (not issued)
$5.00 Romeo And Juliet Issued: Cancelled Code Number: Produced (Not Issued): C946122 10,000 |
Prefix Numbers: 654 (not issued)
$10.00 Richard III Issued: Cancelled Code Number: Produced (Not Issued): C946133a 10,000 |
Prefix Numbers: 655 (not issued)
$10.00 Hamlet Issued: Cancelled Code Number: Produced (Not Issued): C946143a 10,000
It was intended that this card be produced with a 665 prefix. An error was made by Telstra and the previous prefix number 664 was used. It should be noted that all the reverses shown are of overrun cards. The order was for 10,000 cards, and often there are additional cards produced that are usually destroyed, along with any non-completed order cards. |
Prefix Numbers: 665 (not issued)
The prefix number on this card is actually 664, not 665. This card
is an overrun on prefix 664. |